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Primary Elections Update

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We won. The two primaries in which AFT-Wisconsin played...we won in them! In the 73rd Assembly District, our endorsed candidate, Nick Milroy, won 50% of the vote in a four-way primary. Nice work to TAA activists Aaron Jossart, Alice Astarita, and Joe Abisaid for knocking this one out of the park and handling the bulk of the voter contact for AFT-W members and AFL-CIO households. This race wouldn't have been won without them - and we have a new progressive in the Assembly because of it.

In the 22nd Assembly District, our endorsed candidate Sandy Pasch won with 37% of the vote, beating her next-closest competitor by 1% of the vote and just a couple hundred total votes. Jim Draeger of the MGAA was really a driver behind that.

Congrats to Nick and Sandy - and congrats to the AFT-Wisconsin political team, especially the grad student worker locals, who really drove the bus in winning these races!

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posted by Peter


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